Monday, December 31, 2012


Among my friends, I am known as the risk taker.  Some might explain my approach on life as an adventure, someone that lives life on the edge and has a life full of excitement. My days start with hard workouts and end with evenings dreaming about my next move in life.  I live my life to the fullest because I know life goes by way to quickly.

I know that to live life to the fullest, also means taking some major risks.  Buying a home, training for big races, changing jobs, asking someone on a date, sharing feelings....etc.  They are all risk and do not come with guarantees :(  It would be safest to live a life where you don't take risk, but what kind of life is that?

So many people just wait for life to happen.  My question to these people is why wait? Take the step towards a life you want and have been dreaming of.  Sure taking risk means that you might fail but failing is better than never trying.  Plus, failing means you are one step closer to making that dream come a reality.  

2013 is the year to take more risk.  Make a list of things that you failed to do in 2012 and make those things a priority in 2013! Do something that will scare you, excite you and will make you a strong person because of doing it.  Don't focus on the unknown, focus on the journey! Be someone that is ready to change the impossible....into mission possible!!

Things that I plan on doing in 2013....

1. Be a tourist! I am so stuck on going to the same places because everything is familiar and safe.  This year I plan on traveling to New York City, Canada and even be a tourist here in Columbus.

2. Do 3 laps during Tough Mudder Michigan with my Tough Mudder Brother Justin.  This isn't something I am scared of but I am completely worried about getting shocked 6 different times during the race.  34 miles in two days in mud :)

3. RELAX.  I am taking a solid month off after I get back from the Goofy.  This will be the hardest thing for me.  NO lifting and No running.  30 days.

4. Personal Record.  I really want to get my half marathon time under 2:05! My goal would be under 2 hours.  This means I need to really work on speed this year.
5. Run another Marathon in Washington D.C. I have to get in the race first but I couldn't be more excited about this goal.  Washington D.C. is beautiful!

6. Wake up my artistic part of my life again.  I am sad to say that I haven't done a painting or many art projects that I love in years.  This part of my life has been silent for a very long time.  It is time to awaken it again!

7. Let go of the past.

What do you plan on doing during 2013? Remember it is worth the risk!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2 weeks away...

It's hard to believe that two weeks from now I will be in full recovery/post marathon mode.  I been looking forward to the Goofy Challenge for what seems like many years.  This race has been my dream race! My Olympics sort of speak! Every race I have ran in the past 8 years was just a stepping stone for Goofy.  To say I am excited is definitely an understatement! I am beyond thrilled for this awesome adventure. 

I would be lying if I didn't say I was scared or was a little worried about not getting to the finish line.  To me racing is sort of like a unwritten book.  The book starts when you decided to sign up for the race, continues on during your training and ends with the finish line.  I have to believe that since I am going to be in the land of happily ever after, that my Goofy journey will be just that.  My book has to end with a happy ending, as well as three new Disney medals.

I can't believe how strong I have become during this amazing journey. I am now confident in my choices, finding calmness in the craziness, and am finally allowing the walls around my heart to slowly crumble. It is truly amazing how much you gain and learn while logging all those long miles in.  That to me is what running is all about!

39.3 miles is crazy, insane and extremely goofy but it is my Olympics.  This race will set the tone of what I hope will be the most amazing year of my life.  I can't wait to tell you all about my Disney recap.  I hope that I can inspire all of you to go above and beyond what you think you are capable of doing.  The past year of my life I been doing just that... I been doing the impossible!

I can't wait to Kiss Goofy at the finish line.....and I certainly can't wait to see what 2013 brings to me! :) Happy New Year Everyone! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Recipe Tuesday

Who doesn't like a yummy warm soup when it is so cold outside? I use to hate soup and I certainly did NOT love anything that had Broccoli in it.  However, I found that I do in fact love Broccoli and cheddar soup especially from Panera...that stuff soup is like a small glimpse of heaven but is full of calories.

So I had to find a soup that would be healthy but taste just as great.  I found just the soup and wanted to share my finding with all my readers.  This soup is so good and is only 125 calories.  :) I found the recipe in my Hungary girl recipe book.

1 tray of Green Giant Just for One! Broccoli and Cheese Sauce.  (They come in a four pack)
1/2 cup of plan light soymilk
1 wedge of The Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss Cheese, Chopped into pieces
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Prepare Broccoli and Cheese, pull film back slightly to vent.  Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes.

Pull film back all the way but do not remove, add cheese wedge and mix.

Place film back over the tray and microwave for 45 seconds.  Mix well.

Place mixture into blended, along with soymilk.  Mix till desire.

Transfer soup to microwave-safe bowl and microwave for about a minute.

ENJOY-Makes 1 serving

125 calories
5.75g fat
11.5g carbs
2g fiber
7g protein

Do you have a soup you can share?

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Yesterday was a very long day for me, as I am sure it was for many people around the world.  I sat in front of my Television for hours watching the horrific story unfold.  I watched children crying, parents screaming and many people reaching out for others.  I sat there watching our leader of our country cry, news anchors sat in silence because they had to fight back the tears.  It angered me... How did we allow our world to come to this?

The day I became a teacher my life was immediately filled with the kind of joy and love a parent has towards their own children.  Luckily for me I get that joy and love multiplied times 100 :) I didn't become an educator for the summer months off.  I became an educator because I knew that I could help make a difference in many children's lives. 

Maybe that is why yesterday's events feels like someone has punched me in the stomach.  I can't stop thinking of the fear, the screams and the cries from the children.  I can't image how those teachers had to put on a brave face to keep the children calm.  The one thing that bothers me the most is the lifelong scars those children/teachers will have to deal with. They will never view school/work as a safe place again...and that right there is what makes me so mad.  How dare someone take that away from innocent children who just want to learn.

School should be a place where children are worried about who they sit with at lunch or what teacher they may have next year.  They should be having fun, learning and believing that they too can be anything they want to be.  They shouldn't have to worry about guns, violence or if they will ever see their parents again. 

Today, I finally was able to release some anger and tears for yesterday's terrible crime.  I cried not because I know those children but because those children are like every single child in my classroom.  Those teachers are my co-workers, my friends...that Principal is my sister.  We all can relate to what happened... we all can be someone in that school. 

My sister Patty couldn't have said it any betterPut away the video games, turn off your phones, unplug your tv's and spend time explaining to your children why the world is the way it is. We are all a little guilty of letting the world control us. Stop, look around and look for a moment of peace. It truly is a hard place to find. Our lives are all moving to fast and we are not taking the time to smile, hug, and treat others with respect. We are all too worried about what are neighbor is doing and we are not looking at ourselves. We are all affected by today's tragedy, it what you do tomorrow that can make a difference.

My heart continues to break knowing that this could have happened in my school, my sister's schools, my nieces and nephew's could have happened to any of us.  We can take guns away, put more money towards the mental ill.....but bottom line is we created this ugly world and now it is time to create a place that children don't have to live in fear.  I don't know what the answer is but I do know that this can't continue to go on... to many lives have been lost.    

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

January Resolutions-Happiness Project

Happiness Project Month One: RECHARGE

If you been following me you know that I tend to go a million miles a minute or until I have nothing to go on.  I work a million jobs, workout a crap load and am always saying "YES" when I should in fact being saying "NO".  So this month is all about reloading and recharging my body for another awesome year. 

Here is the list of things I will be working on starting January 1st

1. Beachbody Reset-This is a three week cleanse that I been wanting to do but haven't had the time because of training.  In the Reset cleanse you can't workout for a solid three weeks.  I hate the fact that I will not be able to lift a single weight or run a single mile during this time but I know my body needs it.  I will be eating foods I have never tried or even heard of.  I am not going to lie I am SCARED of this but extremely excited for a change in my mood, body and the way I look at food. What a perfect time to do it starting two days after I get back from Disney!?!? After running 39.3 miles in two days my body will probably be screaming for something like this!

2. Reduce Clutter-That is right I have clutter in my very small house.  I try my hardest not to keep things that I don't use or want but lately I been noticing a build up of things/junk.  I will be tackling the bedroom, basement, kitchen and my garage during this month! Lord HELP me!

3.  Praying-I do pray but I tend to pray when things are going wrong.  So this is the perfect time to pray for everything that is going RIGHT.  I have made such a connection with my church the last few months...I figured that bringing it home and to the table (literally) would recharge my heart and soul.  My goal is to pray before each meal, before bed and when I wake up every morning.  

4. Meditate-Some would think that praying is meditating but to me it is two different things.  I plan on taking 5-10 minutes each day to sit and NOT think about anything.  Sounds super hard right! I will turn everything off and try to relax! I will most likely do this after my Yoga practice...which I can do every single day during beachbody reset!

5. Read-20 minutes each day (NOT things online either).  I always get books and never finish them.  So my goal is to pick up a book and fall into it.  During this time no screens will be on :) Sounds relaxing right!

6.  Write in my journal-Just like praying I normally only write in my journal when I am upset or in a bad mood.  People might think I was a depressed person when I die if I don't change that! Goal here is to write at least one sentence a day....doesn't have to be about anything but I most jot something down.

So there you have it! Those are my resolutions for January. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Kathy's 21 commandments to happiness

If you read my blog you are aware that I am starting a happiness club sort of speak for 2013.  This club will actually be reading "The Happiness Project" and developing ways to make their lives more happier.

First things first...In order to be happy you have to set out a list of things that are important and for you to them commandments.  These commandments will guide and help you with all the new resolutions you make each month.

All 21 of my commandments are important to me but some I have failed to follow over the years.  Most of these commandments I need a lot of work on....this is one reason why I want to do my own happiness project for a full year.  I have forgotten/failed over the years to be the person who I have always wanted to be.  My hope is that I can follow my commandments and by the end of 2013 I will live a fuller, happier life....after all who doesn't want that!

Kathy's 21 Commandments

1.  Mission I'm Possible
2.  Lead by example
3.  Notice the colors
4.  Talk to strangers
5.  Pay it forward
6.  Reach out
7.  Say NO first
8.  Play more
9.  Be Grateful
10. Hate is a strong word...Love without boundaries
11.  Be simply amazing
12.  Laugh without control and never stop smiling
13.  Don't wait till tomorrow
14. Hands folded works better than fingers crossed.
15.  Keep my heart open but hide the key for the right one
16.  Forgive myself and others as soon as possible
17. Let it Be....Let it Go
18.  Leave a new trail
19.  Believe
20.  Achieve
21. Be ME

I am very excited to start this group!! I know I will learn from others commandments and goals towards a happier life!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Looking back on 2012

In just a few weeks there will be a new year.  With the new year brings a lot of new hope, dreams and goals.  I can't go forward without looking backwards, so this blog will be all about everything I accomplished in 2012.
2012 has been a HUGE year of achievements, adventure and growth for me.  I will take every lesson I have learned with me into 2013 because those lessons have made me a person that is stronger, wiser and healthier.  There were times that I felt that the world was against me but I didn't let those moments bring me down.  I stood tall and moved forward just like I will move forward into this new year.
What this year has taught me is that we all have a choice...and that choice is to get busy living or get busy doing nothing.  My choice of course was to get busy living! Here are some wonderful pictures of things I accomplished over the year.


Jan 12th Tough Mudder Phoenix
Jan 13th Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon

I wanted to start 2012 with one of the toughest challenges of my life! I wanted to complete not only my first Tough Mudder but I wanted to follow it up with running a half marathon the next day. I finished both races with complete success! I got my first head orange head band and got to run in my very first Rock 'n' Roll race....LOVED every single minute of it. But the challenge didn't just stop after I crossed the finish line of the 1/2 marathon....I decided that jumping on a plane within 2 hours after finishing the race was a smart idea.  It was worth the rush because I was able to see beautiful California and my long time buddy Mike.

I got to see many great friends on this trip! Jane, Chris, Corinne and Mike made the first month of 2012 a big hit!


February I wanted to take a step back and relax.  I wanted to focus on my diet, waistline and of course myself.  I gave myself the best birthday gift ever...Lasik eye surgery!


St. Petersburg Half Marathon

One of my big goals this year was to run in a sports bra! I finally was able to do it at a race in St. Petersburg, Florida.  My second goal was to beat my Dad in a race! This too was the race where I was able to do just that! I beat Dad by 15 minutes and set a new PR 2:05 minutes for 13.1! Sorry Dad better luck next time! :)

Ohio Tough Mudder

April was all about my second and third Tough Mudder.  I decided that I wanted to complete two mudders in one weekend.  Ohio's Tough Mudder was so much fun! I met a lot of awesome friends at this race.  The race of course was super hard because it was so cold and I got shocked 8 times on one obstacle but I was able to get my second and third headband!


Commit to be Fit 1/2 Marathon
Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon

I decided again to do another back to back race.  I loved challenging myself to big weekends like that.  It really made training hard but it gave me much made me realize if you put your heart and soul into something that anything is possible.  Weekends like this has allowed me to feel strong, blessed and simply amazing.  This weekend I was able to run a half marathon with one of my best friends Lindsay Groom.  After the race I jumped into a car with my two beautiful cousins to head to Pittsburgh to walk my very first half marathon.  I am so blessed by all the active people that are in my life! Even more blessed to be able to be right beside all three girls when they got their very first 13.1 medals! Accomplish is the best way to describe this weekend!

My friend Lish's wedding! All these silly girls are my High School friends.  Of course the bride didn't make the picture! I love these girls.


Phat Camp with Jen Hendershock

Indiana Tough Mudder

I was able to run with some really awesome people at this race.  Roxanne, Corinne, Justin, Jay and Erin were all teammates in this adventure.  The picture below is of the flag that my friend Jay carries during all his Tough Mudders.  I was honored to run next to this real soldier...a TRUE Hero.
This race for me was super hard...I had to over come my fear of getting shocked.  Ohio's TM ruined me.  I cried a little and even told myself to walk around obstacles...HOWEVER, I did the obstacles because I am tired of fear holding my life back.  This race made me realize that life has a lot of obstacles but you have to believe in yourself to overcome them.  I will allow nothing to hold me back in my life now!


Kenny Chesney with my family and friends in Cincy.  I was able to stand on the Bengals field while listening to some AWESOME country music. 

Color Run with my friends from Wapak and friends from Cbus.  This race was a lot of fun because I was able to inspire others to try a 5k! I was so proud of all my friends for their hard work and dedication to train for this event.  I know it isn't easy but they all did it...maybe not loving it but they finished! This is one reason why I love running because anyone can do it :)

VEGAS-I was able to go to Vegas for the first time in my life.  It was such a fun trip...the Crabtree's were wonderful host.  I got to hike Red Rocks, run to the famous sign, gamble and ride a bull!  Five days in Vegas didn't kill me! The party police had a lot of fun.... best part of Vegas is dressing up every single night and the awesome swimming pools!


Woot! This might be my favorite month of the year!!! Finally....I got my second Masters degree in Health Education.  It took me two years to get this awesome piece of paper!!!!!! I was so excited to not have to do homework any more! :)


Angela was able to come watch me in action at one of my field trips.  This canoeing field trip was perfect! The weather was amazing and the kids all did so wonderful.

Went to Buckeyes Game with Lindsay.  Buckeyes won... O H I O


Zac Brown Band Concert

So much fun hanging out with my brother, soon to be sister-in-law Mandie and my buddy Heidi.

Second Columbus Full Marathon

Best day of the year!  I finished without walking with a time of 4:45.  I ran 8 of the 26.2 miles alone...boy it was hard but I did it! I was able to run with my Dad, my cousin Diana and two of my friends.  I love having people in my life that love fitness just as much as I do! Everyone finished and we were all able to walk the next day! 



Another awesome trip! This trip was full of laughs and sweet! Corinne Crabtree made sure of that! I loved visiting with my Nashville friends and loved meeting the ladies from Healthy Holy Ladies. I can't wait to go back to run the 1/2 Marathon in April!

Can't forget to add Louie into the mix.  He is still a great active healthy dog.  I want to kill him some days but I love this dog more than anything.  He is a real clown....always able to make me smile when I feel like all I want to do is cry.


December is all about training for Goofy.  A lot of back to back long runs and a lot of running alone.  Can't wait till Disney
I wish for everyone who reads this message to take with them into the new year the lessons they have learned and to let them make you a better person than what you were. It is a new day, a new year. Everyone gets a fresh start to begin again.

Watch out 2013