Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Workouts for the week: Last week Feb

This week started off a little slow for me but now I am back to my routine and ready to kill my workouts! A lot of you ask me what kind of workouts I complete each day.  So I figured why not just blog about it! I lead a busy life just like all of you but I never allow myself to skip workouts.  I find the time....

Monday: Day Off-This was unplanned but my body was screaming for a day off. 
IMPORTANT.... If you need rest take it!

Tuesday: 4 miler speed work and hill work.. TOUGH WORKOUT! Then came home from the gym to do Chalean Extreme Lean #2.  LIFT HEAVY :)

Wednesday: Insanity Pure Cardio and Asylum Stretch.  5 miler after work..keep pace at 9:30.

Thursday: Leg workout at the gym and a five miler. 

Friday: Insanity, Yoga and Ab work

Saturday: Lean #3, Insanity and Yoga

Sunday: 7 miler, Yoga

Seems like a lot right? I can get my workouts done in less than 1 hour and 30 minutes.  I don't mess around or talk while at the gym.  I am there to work and keep my heart rate up! I have Lacrosse practice twice this week and am finishing up some projects around the house.  I try to be in bed by 9 (last few nights I was asleep by 8) so I can be up at 4:30.

Have a plan for success! What does your plan look like?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sunburst 1/2 Marathon.. New Personal Record I HOPE!

Sunburst half marathon is now paid for! This race is a flat course, the finish line is on the 50 yard line of Notre Damn Football field and it is their 30 year anniversary this year....sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to hit a new Personal Record. 

In 2012, I didn't really push myself speed wise because I wanted last years races to be about finishing and fun.  This year I want to continue the fun part of racing but I want to start pushing myself to the next level.  In March 2012, I got my last PR of 2:05 :) 
Before the race! The only goal I had for this race was to run in a sports bra...then I got a PR too :) Score!
I can remember that race moment like it was yesterday.  Going into the race I had no expectations! All I wanted to do was run in Florida with my Dad and create a long lasting memory of running a race with him! Needless to say Dad didn't have a great race and I had to leave him at mile 6.  I really pushed hard, felt like I could die and cried when I noticed that I beat my last PR by 20 minutes! Wow is right!  It was a great race, beautiful flat course and it was right next to the ocean.  I wish I could go back this year but spring break is a week later.  Dad is running it.. I wish him luck!
We ran by this bridge as the sun was coming up! It was an amazing view..I got emotional at this part of the race! Taking a picture there with my biggest inspiration (my Dad) was a most!! 

So my goal for the Sunburst 1/2 Marathon is under 2:05 but I have a personal goal to get it at 2 hours or less! What does this mean? It's time to really focus on my speed and will be pacing myself during training at a 9:10.  Fingers crossed I got it in me... Mission is Possible! 

Guess what else is coming up in 2013???

Here is a clue

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Sunday: Columbus Art Museum

Art has always been my go to thing when I am feeling a little down and not sure where I want my life to go...Art is my safe place.  I can sit and look at a beautiful painting for hours...I can get completely lost in all the colors, the movement and the strong emotion that an Artist hopes to bring to their work.  Art is simply amazing, breath taking and powerful! I needed this little visit to the Columbus Art Museum helped me see that no matter where you place "your paint brush" something stunning will always come out of it.

Here are a few of my favorite pieces from today.... all stolen from pinterest!

This picture does not do this piece justice! It is stunning... As you walk around this piece you see something different and new from each angle.  This was the first piece I saw at the CAM.  Totally in love with the colors... Wish I had space to put it up in my house!

I LOVE this abstract work! Holy cow did this work inspire me to rush home and start painting.  I just don't have the money right now to buy a canvas that big.  I will be starting out small :)

One of my favorite pieces at the CAM.  "Weeping Willow"- Claude Monet...beautiful! When you first walk up to this work you see all the amazing colors.  I didn't even see the tree at first but after getting lost I saw the branches and the leaves coming off of them.  It is seriously amazing work and the paint just pops off the canvas!

I wish I had a picture of the painting that I sat and looked at for over 15 minutes.  It literally sucked me in and honestly I didn't want to leave it.  Just looking at the piece I was able to put together somethings that I been struggling over the last few weeks.  That is why I love Art it heals you or at least tries too.  After a few tears I was able to stand up and complete my visit.

I believe in the power of Art again...I know I went there today for a reason.  I needed this alone time to remember what is missing in my life...What is that you might be asking? My first true love, my first passion... My Art life is what is missing! I am excited for this new awakening... I can't wait to get my hands busy on something other than a computer!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February Week 1: Recap

This has been a very interesting week for me.  Monday I was home sick, Tuesday was my last day of the reset, Wednesday I introduced egg's back into my diet and started working out again! I did not get a chance to run this week because of this nasty chest cold I have.  HOWEVER, I am planning on getting in at least 2-3 runs this week with Louie.  Couldn't be more excited to get out on the road again....I know Louie would have to agree with me on this one!

I started both Beachbody Insanity and P90X2.  This is my first time doing insanity and my second time doing the first phase of P90X2.  One thing is for sure Insanity is INSANE! Wow! I swear I cuss every other minute at Shawn T.  The dude is crazy!!!  Thank God I workout in my basement alone! Insanity is right up my alley.. I love doing things that push me to the next level.  This series is doing just that!

P90X2.  I am not totally in love with this series but I have decided I am going to give it a chance.  I don't know what it is? Maybe it is Tony Horton or the fact that it is SUPER slow.  I like to get in and get out as fast as possible. The video's are around an hour long....To long if you ask me.  Maybe it is just Phase one that I don't love.  I am going to do this phase for only two weeks... HOPEFULLY the next phase will push me and make me love the program!?!?

I got a Vitamix!! I did in fact spend over 300 dollars on a blender.  Is it worth it? I haven't decided yet but I have been using it almost twice a day.  My neighbor is not in love with it...she asked if I was killing someone the other day.  It is LOUD but it mixes up everything into wonderful smoothies!
I did eat a lot of different foods this week.  I didn't stick to my vegan plan but I needed to remember what some foods make me feel like.  I felt like crap when I had fries, chicken, sweets and wine.  It is amazing what a little reality check will do to you.  Cleaning everything back up this week.

February Week 2 Plan: (may change it up depending on now I feel)
Monday: P90X2 and Insanity
Tuesday: Insanity and 2-3 mile run with Louie. Wine tasting with the CYP
Wednesday:  P90X2.  Ash Wednesday Mass.  My parents are coming up to take me out to dinner and go to church with me.
Thursday: Insanity and P90X2.  Basketball game with Jessica! Go Buckeyes!
Friday: YOGA and Run 2-3 miles with Louie.
Saturday: Run 5 miles, Yoga
Sunday: Day off?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Should I workout with a cold?

I haven't felt great since Monday but like always I been pretending nothing is wrong.  I completely over did it... I did a double workout on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday while not feeling 100%.  So the question is this...Can you workout when you are sick?

Rule of Thumb
If symptoms are "above the neck" it is usually okay to exercise.  Symptoms such as running nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and minor soreness of the throat.  Consider doing a lighter workout and reduces the length.  For instance: Instead of running 6 miles, try walking 3.

DON'T exercise if symptoms are "below the neck!" If you are hacking up a lung, have an upset stomach or can't take in a full breath.. STAY HOME! If you have a fever or muscle aches you certainly shouldn't be working out!

Let your body be the guide....Listen to it.  If you feel extremely run down..TAKE A BREAK! You are putting yourself at risk if you workout when you are not well.  It is okay to take a day or two off to get yourself back to excellent health.  Having an illness is stressful on the body and so is working out.  So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that illness and a workout don't go together.

What to do?
1. Stay hydrated! Drink as much water and electrolytes drinks as you can. Try and stay away from sugary ones, but push the fluids to clear out your system. This will also help your body rid itself of sickness.
2. Sleep, sleep, sleep.
3. Take in more Vitamin C, veggies and fruits! Eat the good stuff.

It is extremely hard for me to take a day off when it is NOT in my schedule.  However, I can't stop coughing and I barely have a voice.  I trying to listen to my body this time...which is extremely hard for me to do.  I think the reset helped me listen to the signs and actually obey those signs.  So today is a unplanned rest day :( Today's plan is getting myself back to feeling 100%.  Healthy foods, rest and no workouts will hopefully do just that!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ultimate Reset complete

I did it!! I finished the Beachbody Ultimate Reset...It was NOT EASY.  There were many days I wanted to quit, scream and not get out of bed.  Each day I learned something new about myself and about my love for certain foods.  I focus so much on the end result that I fail to enjoy the ride to that finish line.  This journey made me see that slowing down and taking it all in is VERY important.

Would I do the Reset again? Yes! In fact I would like to do it again in May before I start my Marathon training.  Why? It was nice to listen to my body and really focus on me for once.  I didn't just learn about food.. I learned a lot about the things I hold inside myself.  This journey was so emotional for me.  There were days I would cry almost every hour.. this was my body releasing some pain and anger from the pass (I think).  It was needed! It is amazing how the fog was lifted over 21 days.. I feel so free now!

The real world freaks me out a little! I felt so safe in my little box and food plan that I followed for 21 days.  I stayed away from many people because I was so worried of being pressured....I learned quickly that NO one really cares what I am doing.  The only person that cares about my journey is really me.  Seriously!?! No one cares if I can finish a detox, a marathon or yoga class....OR do they? I think people do care about what I do.. Otherwise how am I able to inspire others or why do people come to me for help?  So the people who don't care or the people who pressure me in my life shouldn't be there in the first place.  Lesson learned!!

What now?
I will slowly introduce foods back into my diet.  Why do it slowly? I need to listen to the cues my body is sending out... if my body is feeling sick after a piece of bread then I know that bread shouldn't continue to be in my diet.  Fingers crossed that my body can process most foods!!!

I plan on keeping a vegan diet 4-5 days a week.  I will be eating eggs every morning to help with protein intake!  I have decided that I will not be taking Dairy for a while.  I love how my body feels when I am not taking in Dairy.   I do plan on having greek yogurt and maybe cottage cheese every now and then..again this is for the protein intake.

Bring on the Workouts!!!!
Not working out for 21 days was SO hard! I plan on getting back into training big time! P90x2 and insanity are what is up!!!!!!!!! I will be training for Country Music Half Marathon and 3 rounds of Tough Mudder Michigan!!!

Very excited to see what happens ... With a clear gut and mind I think amazing things will happen!

Oh and I did lose 14 pounds! I will measure myself today to get inches! Weight wasn't important to me during this I forget that many people just want to know the results! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happiness Project January Recap & February Goals

Where in the world did January go? Seriously, it feels like yesterday I was on Christmas Break.  January was such an exciting month for me! I ran Goofy, started the Beachbody reset and didn't work out for a solid 17 days!  My goal for January was to recharge my body, mind and spirit... I am happy to say that I accomplished that goal.

January goals..
1. Beachbody reset-I am 3 days away from completing this cleanse.  So glad I did it :) Feel amazing both inside and out! I have lost 15 pounds ... BOOM!!!

2.  Reduce clutter-This is an on going task.  I did clean out my room, some kitchen stuff but did not tackle the basement storage room.  Will continue it once my roommate moves out... Today I am going to tackle my bedroom at my parents house.  I will probably throw everything out!

3. Praying-I have been praying more but did not complete this goal as planned.  I wanted to pray before each meal.  So this is another thing I MUST work on. I did make it to church every single week (minus Disney weekend)...I love going to Church! There I am able to just sit and think...I rarely listen. lol

4. Meditate-I have taken time each day to clear my mind.  I loved doing this in the morning and right before bed.

5. Read 20 minutes-FAILED.  I didn't read at all this month.  With the Reset I was just to tired to read before bed. When I got in bed I normally passed out.  The good thing is I never turned on the TV in my room during this month!

6. Write in my journal-I did do this a few times but I would say I failed again on this one.  Blah!

Source: via Susanne on Pinterest

I use to LOVE art! It was my passion and the one thing I needed to feel whole.  I even when to college to be an Art teacher.  However, that part of my life died when my professor told me I should change my career because Art wasn't for me.  It literally killed me...which is why I still have a hard time picking up any kind of art media.  That is why I am adding it in this month! I want to focus on the passion that is still inside me but has been buried for years.

February Goals..
1. Work on an Art project.  My goal is to complete 4 projects... so one project a week. 
2. Learn how to take AWESOME pictures with my camera.
3. Go to the art museum in town.
4. Get my friends together for another Wine and Canvas...So much fun!

Still going to work on goals from January...
1. Pray more
2. Reduce Clutter

This is also my birthday Month... I hate birthday's but this year I plan on loving every single minute of it.  I should celebrate my life with a smile...

Let the Happiness Project continue :)