Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 4 Cleanse....

I know many of you are waiting for my Goofy recap.  I promise that I will get it out as soon as it is finished.  I want it to be perfect just like the race itself! So bare with me while I try to get photos together and get the right words together for all of you!

Day 4 Breakfast YUMMY!

The Beachbody Reset is in full swing! I feel like I have made it over a small hump but today I will be dealing with a really tough challenge.  I will be going to one of my favorite restaurants in Columbus with the guy I am seeing and his family.  This restaurant not only has amazing food but it has AMAZING wine!  So it will be tough sitting there watching everyone eat and drink.  Hopefully, I don't sit there with drool running down my mouth.  I told Matt that it is highly important to NOT let me get anything.  This will be a huge test on how bad I want to complete this journey.  Hopefully, I pass it!

Day 3 Food
Breakfast-2 eggs, 2 slices of toast, steamed spinach
Lunch-Lentil mix and a huge salad with homemade dressing.
Dinner-Rice, Bean and Corn taco with guacamole and steamed kale. 

Lentil mix was not for me :( I tried really hard to eat it but I couldn't stomach it at all.  During this program I am not allowed to drink when I eat.  If I was able drink while eating I know I could get that Lentil mix down. 

The reason behind not drinking during meals is this...Drinking liquid while eating tends to dilute digestive juices and acid, which slows down your digestion.  I am slowly getting use to enjoying my meal without a glass of water but there are times I would rather wash my food down then actually taste it...Yesterday's lunch was of those times.

Day 4 Food
Breakfast-2 cups of fresh fruit, 1 slice of dry toast, 1/2 cup of Greek Yogurt
Lunch:Quinoa Salad, 1/3 cup hummus, raw vegetable plate (10 carrots, 10 slices of red bell pepper, cucumber)
Dinner: Rice, Bean and Corn Taco again

I know today will go great because I love Quinoa and I have had the Taco's already.  I bet you are wondering why I am eating just Taco's for dinner? There are meals on this menu that I know I wouldn't be able to eat so I am just skipping them.  You can change the menu up as you please so I felt like I could do a better job sticking with some foods I know.  Plus this is cheaper for me to make the same foods over and over again.

 How am I feeling?
  • I slept for 11 hours last night! I seriously can't remember the last time I slept that long.  It feels great waking up knowing that I am completely rested.  
  • I woke up with some major cramps in my legs.  This is normal during the detox process. They say muscle soreness is a sign of the toxins being removed from your body.  So I guess it is being removed from the calves and hips. I told my trainer that I hope that it takes all the fat cells that are stored in my hips with it!! (I carry all my weight in my hips so I wish that could actually happen). 
  • I am really emotional.  Another thing that is normal during this process.  I cried yesterday when a co-worker gave me a card.  She wanted to give me a congratulation card for the Goofy.  It was probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done after one of my races.  I sat in my car and let out some tears I probably been holding back for a while.  Then I watched a movie last night and I cried during half of it.  Yep, I am a cry baby but today I feel super happy so I hope no tears today! 
  • My weight is down 5 pounds!  I am extremely excited to see the scale move down instead of up.  I understand this is probably water weight but hey I will take it! 
Are you wanting more information on this cleanse? Sent me a quick email and I will send you a link to the product.

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