Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Race Day inspiration

 Air Force Marathon 
September 21, 2013

My heart wasn't into this marathon before race day.  For some reason I was really dreading this race and driving to Dayton, Ohio.  If my cousin Diana wasn't running this race I probably would have skipped this race all together.  I don't really know why I wasn't excited about this race but I do know that all changed race morning. 

There is just something about being at the starting line of a marathon that truly inspires me.  The starting line at Air Force was no different! I could feel the excitement, the fear and the joy of all the runners around me.  Some had a look of uncertainty on their face while others you could see the finish line in their eyes. 

The starting line is one reason why I keep coming back each year but the main reason I love racing so much is the people.  Every single runner in a marathon has a story which will be shared to others on race day.  Strangers sharing their stories to each other about why and how they became a runner.  If you listen you can hear millions of stories being told to other runners on the course.  Some will break your heart while others will leave you with the brightest smile on your face.

As I ran listening to these stories I was reminded why the marathon is so special to me.  Not one runner is the same.. there is the every day runners, the crazy runners, the inspiring runners, the just want to finish runners and the runners who run for others.  If you go home from a marathon with no inspiration then you certainly did not talk to the runners there.

I was able to run along side of a blind man, a man running with a flag, a women who was fighting cancer, maniacs and a lot first time runners.  I wasn't excited about this race but every step I took I couldn't help but be inspired by everyone around me.  It fills my heart with so much hope that their really is good in the world.   Hope that will continue to live in me until my next race...

If you been thinking about running a race or you been looking for some awesome inspiration then head to the next marathon in your area.  Don't just stay till the top athletics finish...stay till the very end till every single runner crosses that line.  Those runners in the back will give you the best inspiration and normally have the best stories.  You will see tears, blood and mostly smiles.  The marathon is something that will change you.... even if you are someone that just watches!

Race recap will be up later this week

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