Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.

I use to think that having fear in my life was a sign of weakness but fear is not always bad thing.  Fear is natural and part of all our lives. I am certain I was fearful of falling the first time I ever walked, feared my first day of school and I know I was fearful the first time I ever drove my car without my Dad. I made it out of those scary moments successfully and more independent by doing so. 

I bet no one has ever told you to run towards the things that fear you the most. You probably was never told to move closer to it, to just be there, to become familiar with this fear.  Many people tell believe that you should distract myself, take some sort of pill, just figure it out but never keep fear within reaching distance.  My question is why not look fear in the eye with the confidences that you will overcome it?  

I have been that person that has ran so far away from fear that I have lost relationships, jobs and amazing opportunity in my life because I was to scared of the unknown.  I am finally starting to realize that fear will eventually fill you up so much that you will end up falling apart.  There will be no more places to hide....you will run out of options to escape.  The only option you have left is to stand in front of this fear.. After all everything you ever wanted is on the other side of this fear you hold within.

I truly believe that FEAR is a gift.  When you have fear in your life you have no other choice than to become stronger and to build yourself up with amazing courage.  To overcome fear we should challenge ourselves to explore new things and to NEVER run away from things that make us feel uncomfortable.  I am finally realize that courage will get me over any obstacle that stands in my way but it is up to me how I react to those obstacles/fears in my life. 

"F-e-a-r has two meanings... 
'Forget everything and run'
'Face everything and rise'
The Choice is yours"
~Zig Ziglar

For those of you who have been running away from Fear; I challenge you to run towards it. Once you tell fear who is boss you will see amazing things happen in your life.  I know this because it is happening to me now.  I am starting to see the things that can happen in my life because I'm not allowing fear to run my life anymore. I will push pass this fear because I want what is on the other side of it....I don't know what is on the other side but I am certain it has to be amazing.

One last thing.. 
The phrase "do not be afraid" is written in the bible 365 times.  That's a daily reminder from God to live each day being fearless.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mission I'mPOSSIBLE: Scared of the future..

Mission I'mPOSSIBLE: Scared of the future..: Many of you know I've been struggling with the question what should my future look like? I have been asking myself this question for ...

Monday, August 18, 2014

Scared of the future..

Many of you know I've been struggling with the question what should my future look like? I have been asking myself this question for what feels like the last 3-4 years.  Each year I get excited about my future and the new life I could possibility have BUT I do absolutely nothing to change. I have been wanting to sell my condo, leave Ohio and get into a new career path for years but my fear of failing has paralyzed me.

It upsets me when I think of all the time I have lost because of this fear that I hold deep within me.  I'm scared none of my plans for the future will work out and I'll be lonely with no real career for the rest of my life.  I studied my ass off in college to get to where I am today.... yet, I can't find joy or feel successful in my current place.  The real question I been trying to answer is....How do you walk away from something you worked so hard for?  I feel like I would be throwing away 9 years of college if I changed my career path now but those 9 years of college could certainly put me in a career I would flourish in. 

This year will be full of discovering what, where and who I should be.  I can promise you that this is the year I will be taking a leap of faith into a future that I deserve...taking control of my own life sort of speak.  I can't stop thinking about all the things I could do with my life, the places I could move and the people I will meet.  It's freaking exciting but completely scary at the same time. My hope is that while I try to find this new path, I also find a stronger person that will take the risk, run towards fear and will only listen to the voice within myself.

How do I find this new path? That is still a question I can't answer :( I plan on doing a lot of soul searching, trying things that scare the shit out of me and a lot of praying to the big man up stairs to lead me to the correct door.  I believe that doors have closed in my life to lead me to bigger and better things. I have that "will not quit" attitude, the drive to be successful and will work my ass off till I'm extremely happy.

Life sometimes sucks but those moments often lead you to better things.  If you hate your job, your boyfriend, your body, the state you live in, your house, the way you act...etc Do something about it! Don't settle in a life you hate.  Big dreams can come true once you take the steps towards making them a reality.  I know it can be SCARY but how exciting is it knowing that you have the power to change your crappy life to one you been wishing for.  It starts with you...It starts today!

Promise me that you will stop settling and start doing things that scare you.  The things that scare you make you stronger, wiser and who knows you may find a new life you been wishing for. My hope is that my journey will inspire others to listen to that voice within that has been whispering for a long time.  That voice is important because that voice is YOU.  Don't shut it out or shut it up.

What is one thing that you want to do but have been to scared to try it?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Tonight at yoga the instructor read this poem to our class. It really spoke to me at where I am standing currently in life.... I believe my waiting is over and I will push forward to realize how beautiful this world can really be. 

“Waiting” by Leza Lowitz
You keep waiting for something to happen,
the thing that lifts you out of yourself,
catapults you into doing all the things you’ve put off
the great things you’re meant to do in your life,
but somehow never quite get to.
You keep waiting for the planets to shift
the new moon to bring news,
the universe to align, something to give.
Meanwhile, the piles of papers, the laundry, the dishes, the job—
it all stacks up while you keep hoping
for some miracle to blast down upon you,
scattering the piles to the winds.
Sometimes you lie in bed, terrified of your life.
Sometimes you laugh at the privilege of waking.
But all the while, life goes on it its messy way.
And then you turn forty. Or fifty. Or sixty…
and some part of you realizes you are not alone
and you find signs of this in the animal kingdom –
when a snake sheds its skin its eyes glaze over,
it slinks under a rock, not wanting to be touched,
and when caterpillar turns to butterfly
if the pupa is brushed, it will die—
and when the bird taps its beak hungrily against the egg
it’s because the thing is too small, too small,
and it needs to break out.
And midlife walks you into that wisdom
that this is what transformation looks like—
the mess of it, the tapping at the walls of your life,
the yearning and writhing and pushing,
until one day, one day
you emerge from the wreck
embracing both the immense dawn
and the dusk of the body,
glistening, beautiful
just as you are.