Monday, September 30, 2013

Beachbody Reset-Day One

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to press a reset button on body like we can with our computers and our phones when they start acting up.  Luckily the Beachbody Reset is sort of like that but it is more like a journey than a quick fix.  This reset takes more than pressing control+alt+delete in fact it takes 21 days of eating a lot of fruits, veggies and beans.  Basically, you fill your body with the good stuff and detox that crap that you been holding onto.  

The next 21 days are going to be very interesting but I plan on being honest and real during those days.  I plan on doing a blog, as well as vlog daily or every other day to give you the goods on my well as the bad parts! 

This isn't my first merry-go-round on the reset...I completed round 1 last February.  I lost 15 pounds last time but more importantly a fog lifted and life seemed clear.  Life got busy and I went back to old habits...which is why Round 2 is more needed than ever.  I can't wait to have a clear mind and new attitude again! 

Day One
Weight 152.2

Breakfast: 2 eggs, steamed kale and toast.  I LOVE this breakfast :) I love steamed kale for breakfast!

Lunch: Miso Soup, giant salad with pumpkin seeds. This will be my first go around with miso soup...nervous because I don't like the sound of it! 

Dinner: Chicken, asparagus and potatoes. 


During the reset you are not allowed to drink caffeine or alcohol products.  There is no workout during the next 21 days besides walking and yoga.  Luckily, this will be easy for me since I just had surgery.  It is a struggle for me to do a lot of stuff around the I know workouts can't happen for another 3-4 weeks.  Sleeping is IMPORTANT :) Again, this will be easy for me since I am not working currently do to surgery!!! 

This process is a hard one but I know I will gain a lot out of it! I hope to share with all of you the good, the bad and the ugly of this journey.  Hopefully, there is more good than ugly this round! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

You can't out-exercise a bad diet

Many people think exercise is the only thing that will help weight loss issues. Many people start a new exercise routine normally see results because it is a shock to their system. They start believing that they are the “special ones” that don’t have to worry about their diet. Then they hit a wall. The progress has come to a stop. They get upset, blame their trainers and will most likely stop exercising all together. These people didn’t see results because they didn’t change their nutrition. Here is a big secret….

“You can’t OUT-EXERCISE a bad diet”

Ever heard of that before? It is one of the most common pieces of advice I would hear from my friends and family. Eat this Kathy because lord knows you work out enough to burn it off. So not true! Most people think that if they work out they can eat whatever they want. This statement could not be more false.

For years I believed in that statement! I would work out, leave the gym and turn around and eat whatever I wanted. What I thought was "I did the time and now it is time to reward myself." What I didn’t realize is that I basically just deleted my workout session by consuming crap.

I burn about 600-700 calories an hour running. This may change depending on how hard I push myself and even the weather. (Everyone’s calorie burn is different; a heart rate monitored is the best way to get accurate numbers.) After an hour of running I believed I should reward myself with 4 Tagalogs Girl Scout cookies. Do you know how many calories are in those four cookies? 300 calories and 16gs of total fat. By rewarding myself I have lost half of the benefit from my hour run in basically eating empty calories. You can see how one minute of pointless eating can erase 60 minutes of a hard solid workout.

Here is a perfect example of “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.”

“You are what you eat.”

This statement is so true! If you are like me you probably love to people watch. It always amazes me what people put in their mouths. The fit people always have something healthy, while the unfit people are eating crap food full of bad fats and empty calories. I am NOT perfect! I too eat that crap food but I have a good balance in my life to know it is okay to have a splurge every now and then.
What kills me the most is when I see a child who is overweight. Do you think that child had control over what he or she puts in their mouth? My bet is that same child probably has overweight parents. Parents control what children eat and Parents control what kind of foods they have in their home. I could go on and on about the effects of childhood obesity, but I will leave this for another day.

The way your body looks depends 90% of your diet. Aside from body fat, you skin texture; hair, nails and mood are all affected by what you put in your mouth. Don’t get me wrong exercise is important to maintain a healthy body composition and it too is part of the equation to living a healthy lifestyle. But don’t think you can eat whatever you want because you busted 60 minutes in the gym today.

Nutrition is a crucial part of the weight loss game. If you are working out 60 minutes a day and are not seeing results…it is time to start looking at what you are putting in your mouth. Eating healthy and getting in your exercise is the only recipe for long-lasting, successful weight loss.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Air Force Marathon Rating

Air Force Marathon 
September 21, 2013

I love race expo's but Air Force Expo to me was a joke. You had to walk around a very small hallway to check out the booths.  It was hot, no room to move and a lot of booths were empty.  I did however, get all race gear 40% off since I got there a little late..that seriously was the best part.

Race Swag-5/5
I actually love the shirt! It is long sleeve and a women's cut! Black with a big green strip on the side! Not only did we get a shirt it also came with a matching hat! I was happy to see the hat because I LOVE running in hats when it is raining and sunny out!

Starting Line 1/5
There was no real organization at the starting line.  No assigned corrals and no gates to keep the non-runners out.  I just stayed back until they fired the gun since it was such a mess.  They did have pacer signs but that is about it.  Also, there was no music or anything that got the runners exciting.  I wasn't pleased with the starting line but my last race was Disney :)

Course 1/5
Boring.. Boring.. Boring.  There were a lot of buildings to look at but that is about it.  No music, no people and nothing out of the norm.  Just felt like I was on a training run with a lot of people.  This race was a lot hilly in some areas.  Felt like the last 6 miles were hills and the first 2 was one large hill.  Not fun when you are dealing with a Achilles injury. 

Water stops 5/5
I was very pleased with the water stations! This was the only time I felt like I was actually in a race.  They had a station around every single mile! Water, Gatorade and Cliff Gu's were handed out.  The people at the stations were wonderful :) I loved hearing cheers from them!!!

Finish Line 5/5
I would say this was my favorite part of the race! It wasn't a huge finish line but you did get to run under old Air Force planes.  After you crossed the finish line you get a medal from Air Force Men/Women in uniform. I couldn't help but cry when they put my medal around my neck! They said congrats and I shook their hands to say Thank You for serving our country! Best Part :)

Medal 5/5 

I like the medal a lot! I think it screams I love America :) Love the lanyard with the Flag's colors! Both sides of the medal was beautiful crafted and it is used with quality material! Very Heavy!!

Results 1/5
I did TERRIBLE but I finished.  I completely feel apart at mile 20 because of my mental self and my foot.  I had enough energy in me but the hills just slowed me down big time.  Slowest marathon to date.
Time: 5:26:10

Overall 2/5
I was super happy to run this race with my cousin but wasn't pleased with anything else really.  I understand that this is a Boston Qualifier and that in recent years they had planes flying over you.  This year they couldn't do that because of military cuts :( I did love being on the base and thanking everyone for their services but that is really about it. 

I probably would never do this race again because of how boring it was to me.  The people that were running were all friendly! This race might be a perfect race for someone that likes smaller crowds.  I am into the big party, the bands and the people! I was disappointed but I am glad I am not a 4 time marathoner!!!

What is up Next 
My next race really depends on my recovery.  I had surgery yesterday which has me on the bench for a few weeks.  I am scheduled to run the Columbus Half Marathon on Oct 20th.  I love this race so I don't want to miss it! I might have to just walk it this year.  :( Then training for a few Disney races!!!! 

Happy Miles 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mission I'mPOSSIBLE: Race Day inspiration

Mission I'mPOSSIBLE: Race Day inspiration:   Air Force Marathon  September 21, 2013 My heart wasn't into this marathon before race day.  For some reason I w...

Race Day inspiration

 Air Force Marathon 
September 21, 2013

My heart wasn't into this marathon before race day.  For some reason I was really dreading this race and driving to Dayton, Ohio.  If my cousin Diana wasn't running this race I probably would have skipped this race all together.  I don't really know why I wasn't excited about this race but I do know that all changed race morning. 

There is just something about being at the starting line of a marathon that truly inspires me.  The starting line at Air Force was no different! I could feel the excitement, the fear and the joy of all the runners around me.  Some had a look of uncertainty on their face while others you could see the finish line in their eyes. 

The starting line is one reason why I keep coming back each year but the main reason I love racing so much is the people.  Every single runner in a marathon has a story which will be shared to others on race day.  Strangers sharing their stories to each other about why and how they became a runner.  If you listen you can hear millions of stories being told to other runners on the course.  Some will break your heart while others will leave you with the brightest smile on your face.

As I ran listening to these stories I was reminded why the marathon is so special to me.  Not one runner is the same.. there is the every day runners, the crazy runners, the inspiring runners, the just want to finish runners and the runners who run for others.  If you go home from a marathon with no inspiration then you certainly did not talk to the runners there.

I was able to run along side of a blind man, a man running with a flag, a women who was fighting cancer, maniacs and a lot first time runners.  I wasn't excited about this race but every step I took I couldn't help but be inspired by everyone around me.  It fills my heart with so much hope that their really is good in the world.   Hope that will continue to live in me until my next race...

If you been thinking about running a race or you been looking for some awesome inspiration then head to the next marathon in your area.  Don't just stay till the top athletics finish...stay till the very end till every single runner crosses that line.  Those runners in the back will give you the best inspiration and normally have the best stories.  You will see tears, blood and mostly smiles.  The marathon is something that will change you.... even if you are someone that just watches!

Race recap will be up later this week

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Just one step

The decision to run a marathon is not an easy one.  In fact, many people dream of the marathon but never make their dream reality.  Those people focus on how many miles it takes to get to the finish line.  I understand the journey to the finish line is a very long one but it is a journey that will change you. 

A marathon runner doesn't think about all the miles that need to be completed.  A marathon runner thinks about every single step along the journey.  If you think about it a marathon runner run thousands upon thousands steps.  The only step that truly matters is this one, the one that starts your run...the first step. 

The first step is always the most important to a marathon runner.  Actually, the first step is important to every person out there.  The first step away from a bad relationship, a bad job and the first step into rehab.  All hard but all get you to a better happier place. 

There is no need to look ahead to the end result because what matters is that single step you take to get you moving towards a new life.  Every single one of us have it in us to take that first step.  It is our decision to take it or remain sitting down.

What is your first step going to be??

2 days before my 4th Marathon

After all the wonderful races I have completed I still find myself in the "happy to finish category." It doesn't matter to me if I get first place, beat my friend or get dead last.  I am not there to win prices.  For me there is no finish line because the race that I race is one that goes on forever.  It is my lifestyle not a race to the finish line.  If I finish with a smile on my face, no bloody toes and have the desire to do it again I feel like I won in my book.

That is what makes this sport so great!   Every single racer has different goals, different demons to beat up and different finish lines.  We all understand each other because we're all in the same club.  When you line up at a starting line you notice that these racers are all one; a family sort of speak.  No racer is alike. We all look different. Some are old, while others are young.  There are men, women, different races and different shapes and sizes.  We are all different yet we are all the same.

Every time I go into a marathon I think about the training.  No training is the same, some runs are easy while other feel like they could kill me.  The Air Force training has been the hardest training for me so far.  I did it alone, with an injury and I ran with a lot of demons on my shoulders.  I find myself doubting myself two days before the race, as well as having anxiety about not knowing the outcome. 

I know Saturday will not be easy for many different reasons.  I am still dealing with a nagging Achilles injury, have a lot of negative things going on in my life and not to mention I know this will be my last long run for 6 weeks due to a surgery.  So when I cross that finish line on Saturday I will be in the "Happy to finish category."  I am very excited to line up with my family on race day.  As I look around I am going to remember why I do this and why I will continue to do this! 

Send positive thoughts my way :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beachbody Reset-Round 2

I haven't felt great in over a month.  I usually have amazing energy and a zest for life but the last month has been a real struggle both physically and mentally.  I know I have pushed my body with this marathon training but I can tell that there is something else going on.  How do I know? Because I am starting to really listen to my body's warning signs.

This is why I have decided to do the Beachbody Reset again.  I loved how I felt the first round :) so I guess I am longing for that feeling again.  I did lose 15 pounds round one but round one wasn't about how much weight can I drop it was about taking time off of working out.  See I am addicted to working out.. NOT food.  It felt amazing taking 21 days off of training!!!

So what did I learn round one??

I learned that my body doesn't process caffeine..both soda and green tea gives me instant headaches.  I also learned that I don't get a lot of veggies in.  During the reset realized that I was really tired..LIKE really tired.  Before the reset I was training for the Goofy; so I felt that my tiredness came from that.  However, on day 30 I was still exhausted.  This is when I found out I had a thyroid issue.. I can thank the Reset for finding that out.

Round one was about taking some time off working out not about the food.  So on day 22, I basically went back to my old eating habits.  I had a huge dessert, wine and meat all on day 22.  So I never knew exactly if my body was having reactions to the items I removed from my diet on those 21 days. 

Why Round 2?

I am tired, emotional and just in need of a whole body reset.  I been waking up with muscle pains every single night which I feel isn't normal.  My fingers ache and I just feel round two is about taking time off training again but it is more about finding out which foods don't work for me.   So on day 22, I plan on slowly adding in foods not all at once like first round.

I plan on documenting the whole process.  I plan on going to the doctor, vlogging and recording everything.  I think this process is something everyone should do! It makes you feel like a different person and everything in life seems clearer!

Email me if you want more information. :)