Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beachbody Reset-Round 2

I haven't felt great in over a month.  I usually have amazing energy and a zest for life but the last month has been a real struggle both physically and mentally.  I know I have pushed my body with this marathon training but I can tell that there is something else going on.  How do I know? Because I am starting to really listen to my body's warning signs.

This is why I have decided to do the Beachbody Reset again.  I loved how I felt the first round :) so I guess I am longing for that feeling again.  I did lose 15 pounds round one but round one wasn't about how much weight can I drop it was about taking time off of working out.  See I am addicted to working out.. NOT food.  It felt amazing taking 21 days off of training!!!

So what did I learn round one??

I learned that my body doesn't process caffeine..both soda and green tea gives me instant headaches.  I also learned that I don't get a lot of veggies in.  During the reset realized that I was really tired..LIKE really tired.  Before the reset I was training for the Goofy; so I felt that my tiredness came from that.  However, on day 30 I was still exhausted.  This is when I found out I had a thyroid issue.. I can thank the Reset for finding that out.

Round one was about taking some time off working out not about the food.  So on day 22, I basically went back to my old eating habits.  I had a huge dessert, wine and meat all on day 22.  So I never knew exactly if my body was having reactions to the items I removed from my diet on those 21 days. 

Why Round 2?

I am tired, emotional and just in need of a whole body reset.  I been waking up with muscle pains every single night which I feel isn't normal.  My fingers ache and I just feel bloated...so round two is about taking time off training again but it is more about finding out which foods don't work for me.   So on day 22, I plan on slowly adding in foods not all at once like first round.

I plan on documenting the whole process.  I plan on going to the doctor, vlogging and recording everything.  I think this process is something everyone should do! It makes you feel like a different person and everything in life seems clearer!

Email me if you want more information. :) katmorgan2004@yahoo.com

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