Friday, July 26, 2013

We all start at the same place...

When people see how active and healthy I am...I know they think gosh Kathy can do it all.  Let me be frank it has not always been this way. In fact a few years ago moving in general sucked and all I looked forward to was my peanut butter, chocolate covered, cherry on top large ass sundae.  I hated my life, I hated that I allowed myself to gain so much weight and mostly I hated the people that were out living life while I sat at home being mad at the world.  The only thing that made me happy was food, being extremely drunk and sleeping.  I was depressed and to the point that death sounded pretty awesome.....

But then one day I realized that I could either be pissed at every single healthy person in the world or I could get busy getting healthy myself.  I knew that I had some serious mountains to climb to get a life I dreamed of but I knew once I made it to the top I would feel simply amazing.  There were so many obstacles in my journey :( I would lose weight, gain weight, cry, get hammered, lose weight again...cry more, get wasted.  You get the picture it sucked but it was so much better than that girl who use to think death sounded awesome. 

I can't believe that I had to hit rock bottom to even see that climbing the mountain was possible.  I had to lift a lot of heavy ass stones to even reach my half way point.  There were many times I fell flat on my face and a lot of terrible moments that I don't even want to talk about ... I use to think this journey was stupid, life was stupid and my life wasn't worth it. I didn't think I was worth it but that has changed!!!!! I know I am worth it because I am ENOUGH and the world wouldn't be the same without Kathy Morgan in it :)

Fact is we all start at the same place...we all think life sucks.  We all envy and hate the people who get it...we don't like reaching out because that means we are weak.  We all look at the mountain with the mindset I will never make it....

But you are NOT weak and YOU will make it! Stop thinking that your mountain unreachable! Every single thing in life is possible if you believe in the person you want to be.  Take all that negative crap out of your mind and focus on the stuff that you want!!!! Reach out to others who have it.. Ask questions!  The person that ask someone for help is not a WEAK person at all..I believe that person is STRONG and ready to start lifting their rocks to get to the top of their mountain!

Just remember everyone's journey is different! Not every mountain is the same but we all start at the same place.  We all start at the bottom wishing that we could quickly get to the top.  Please never be that person that thinks death is so much more cooler than living...because living a life you want is better than being in a box.

Be Amazing :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What an honest and soul-bearing post. I'm not glad that you reached rock bottom, but I am glad that doing so brought forth new life and perspective and hope. You are worth it and you are enough, Kathy. Thanks for sharing your story and inspiring others.
