Thursday, August 29, 2013

Changing things up..

I love working out but lately I been kind of dreading it.  I don't know why I am feeling the workout blues.  I just know that I need to change things up to continue to see success and to throw those blues away.  My friend Sandy from PNP land asked me to join her in a Body Pump class this week.  Of course I couldn't turn down a fun workout with a friend. 

Body Pump is such a fast fat burning class.  In 40 minutes this morning I was able to burn 322 calories.  Get this.. the weight wasn't even heavy but it felt like I was lifting a million pounds.  It for sure is the change that I needed this week because it wasn't a JOB to get my workout in.  

So I have decided to add Body Pump in my schedule 2-3 times a week. I know my marathon is coming up.. so I will probably only lift body weight when it comes to squats and lunges.  I have yet to decide on what to do about that.  I will be mixing up the Body Pump workouts at home and at the gym. 

If you didn't know Beachbody has a Body Pump series that you can do at home! I love this series and the music that comes along with it! A must have if you hate going to the gym! Les Mills is the perfect addition to any home gym! 

Have you ever tried a Body Pump class? If so did you like it?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Running with a purpose

I have to confession to make.. I haven't been feeling the whole running thing lately.  I think it is because I am training alone this time or maybe I just need to get in a race (which I will this weekend)  I just haven't been motivated to run... until today!

Today, I decided to do a little trail running.  I haven't ran on the trail in a very long time :( With the Tough Mudder coming up I felt a little tester would be a great idea.  The first two miles SUCKED! In fact, I cussed myself out for signing up for these three marathons I have coming up.  It always completely amazes me what I say to myself when I'm running... sometimes I have happy thoughts but most of the time I deal with real life problems.  Today, was no different.

I started to think about my job, my life and mostly how terrible I been feeling lately.  Basically, the whole first two miles was nothing but a negative thoughts.  Finally, I told myself to stop this negative crap and think of something positive.  I started to think about the people who stop running and why they would do such a guess is those people are not running with a purpose.

I always run with a purpose because it keeps me going.  I have raised money for charity, dedicated races for people who have passed and ran because I was proving to other that I can do anything.  PURPOSE is the fuel in most runners.  Running for a purpose has given my running a purpose...its a blessing!

So what is my purpose? My purpose is to run for those who can't run, for those who are fighting for our country, for those who have lost their lives and for those who are fighting to stay alive.  This purpose is the fire that keeps me going when I want to stop.  It's what helps me turn my negative thoughts into positive ones.  When I run for a purpose I run farther, faster and harder.

Purpose.. Find it! Let it be the fuel that drives you farther than you ever imaged.  Let it be the thing in you that says keep going.  A runner needs a purpose...

Do you have a purpose? If so tell me about it!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The kind of feeling you get in your bones...

I wanted to share part of my journal entry I put in my PNP. I liked what I had to say and I think it is important for others to realize that settling in life is not necessary.  If you feel like you are in the wrong job, relationship or location do something about it.  It is NEVER to late to change your life...well unless you are dead :( then that does in fact mean you're to late! Here is what I had to say to my PNP sisters... 

I know one thing is that I am on a journey to find the best Kathy! I understand from the outside looking in I have a pretty amazing life. I own a home, car, dog and have a great education.  I have great friends, loving family and a job that pays me more than I could ask.  I am in good health and most of the time I am happy… But on the inside I feel I am capable of so much more.  I feel I was born to do something really big, something amazing and something that makes people want to be better.  I know I shouldn't complain because I do have a really great life but I just don't feel like my life's purpose is being met. 

What makes me upset is that I have NO clue what that life's purpose is and I don't know what I should be doing Forum icon sad I just know that this current life I am living is not the life I should be living.  That is very hard to say because it makes my eyes fill up with tears but it is time to get uncomfortable because being comfortable in life means that you are not doing things that scare you. If you are not doing things that scare you then you are NOT growing and learning. I need to look at fear and I need to fail a million and one times create new habits of doing things that are NOT so comfortable. 

I maybe a big dreamer but I just feel it down to my bones that there is something bigger out there for me.  I am asking God to send me signs to help me see what that big thing is he wants me to do.  It seriously makes me sick thinking about how bad I want this thing but have no direction on where to go… how confusing right? Forum icon smile 

What I do know is this…. I had a great first two days back at work.  As I walked in the hallways today I smiled not because I was back to work but because I am happy to be able work with such amazing students and amazing teachers.  I know this year will be a great one because I am on a new journey; a journey to find my life's purpose! Not many people can say they ever go that far but I will NOT stop till it is fulfilled! Whatever that might be! 

It is simply amazing when you wake up in a world that you been sleeping in.  I can feel that I am changing every single day.  I know I am missing something in this life of mine but I can feel that I am so close to finding the answers.  Don't be that person that doesn't listen to the inner you! You may have everything; the perfect life on paper sort of speak...but if you are craving something inside you go after it! Life is about taking a risk, about learning and making mistakes.  Continue to learn and grow...never stop dreaming because life doesn't just stop when you're 32 :) Luckily for me life is just beginning!! I can't wait to discover whatever it is I am looking for!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Random Thought #1: Marathon Weight Gain :(

Random Thought #1:

The Marathon weight Gain.

Being a Marathon runner is one of my best accomplishments in my life! I love so many things about the Marathon and all the crazy training that comes with it.  There is one thing that I absolutely HATE about training for 26.2....I hate putting on the weight.

That is right, I put on what I call the marathon weight gain.  UGH! My first marathon I put on 10 pounds, marathon two I put on 5 and currently I have put on 6 pounds....How in the world does one put on weight when they are running a million miles a week?

I could answer this a million different ways but I will answer it Kathy's way.... I eat far to much food :) I swear I am always hungry.  I could eat 24 hours a day if I allowed myself to do so.  My food choices are not always the best. :( So far this week I have had Dairy Queen, Red Robin, Ihop pancakes, candy and Mexican food.  Normally, I am super tight with my food but I say to myself "Kathy you deserve it you ran like 20 miles this week so far." Which also equals weight gain :( GRRRR

Another reason I might be putting on weight is that I am not lifting a lot both in pounds and in days.  My body can't handle lifting five days a week and my legs certainly don't need a heavy leg workout.  So my muscles are turning soft which makes me look spongy...BLAH! Come on I am in the best shape of my life...just doesn't seem right that I am putting on weight too...SERIOUSLY.

Another explanation is that my body is learning to store carbohydrates as fuel (glycogen) for my long runs. Those glycogen stores are important to completing my long runs and marathon without hitting the famous wall. Better known as my body is now considered a fat storing machine! My body needs this fat to help me get to the finish line... GRRR AGAIN SUCKS!

Random Thought #1 is the marathon weight gain is just not right! I love the long run but I hate what it does to my body! I know many Marathon runners are in the same boat as me but we continue to log the miles because it makes our hearts smile! My goal is to stay under the 152 mark :) Which means NO MORE COOKIES :) Well unless I run 20 miles in one day then I deserve a cookie!!! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

You Are a Badass..

Have you ever been told.. Dude you need some serious motivation or I bet you could find some answers in a book? Sure laugh but I bet you all have heard it! I know I have heard it millions of times but I hate reading and I hate writing :) (probably why I fail at proof reading anything).

However, something has happened in the last month that NEVER happens! I have almost finished not one but TWO motivational books.  WOW, is RIGHT! Motivation is definitely not something that I lack so why books on motivation and self-help?

Lately, I have felt like I am just existing in this little life I have built for Louie and I.  I don't want to exist anymore.. I want to LIVE and be in every single moment that is put in front of my face.  It kind of feels like I am blind in a world that I can total see.. Weird right?

After reading the book "You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life." I have realized that I can't life an awesome life if I am just existing in the days I am here on earth.  I can't be GREAT if I am not seeing this amazing earth with my own eyes.  I can't be badass if I continue to doubt all that awesomeness that lives in me....there is a whole lot of awesomeness buried in me I can just tell! :) 

I still have a few chapters to read in this book but I can tell it has changed the way I feel about myself.  In fact it has changed the way I look at a lot of things.  I don't have time for negative people or things in my life (I am cleaning house on this one).  I need to stop being so negative in my own thoughts and ideas.  I need to believe that I am heading in the right direction...EVEN when I have no clue what step to take first.  It's very confusing!!! 

This book is more than a self-help motivational book.. those books are boring :) This book allows you to laugh at yourself, question what you want in life and makes you see that everything will totally be okay.

I HIGHLY suggest you read this book... I plan on reading it again and really picking apart what I need to be better about in my life.  I plan on writing up reviews on what I learn and what I need to get done.

Just know this :) This girl plans on being a BADASS and plans on living an AWESOME life no matter what job, relationship, race or bad situation I am in because I am in change of me and I love me!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Marathon Training Week 7

Marathon Maniac Training Week 7
Schedule runs for the week
6 miles with 6 sets 30/30 
5 miles hill repeaters
4 miles easy
10 miles easy
Total: 25 miles

Workout Schedule
Weight 3 days
T25 5 days
Yoga 3 days

My 4th Marathon is only 46 days away! :) I am beyond excited but still have a lot of training to do.  I just want to remain healthy....which of course is my top priority right now.  I think it is completely crazy that seven weeks ago I wasn't even able to run a mile without pain.  Thankfully, my therapy worked wonders and I am pain free today. 

The one thing I do not love about Marathon training is the fact that my muscles turn soft :( I love my body when it looks strong which I get from lifting heavy.  I can't keep up with lifting heavy 5 days a week and keep up with all my runs.  So lifting is cut back to 3 days a week :(  I am trying to keep up with T25 but I have a feeling I might need to cut that back too. 

I am just so excited that I finally have a fall back week :) 10 miles sounds lovely!!!!!

Have a great week :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Picture Challenge..JOIN ME :)

I love a good challenge but what I love most is a challenge that involves pictures! Maybe I enjoy taking pictures of myself or maybe I just like being silly in public? But what I love most is that when pictures are involved more people are willing to give a challenge a go!!!!  So....

Who wants to join me with the August Summer fitness picture challenge? I know some of you don't have little ones around to take pictures (like me) or anyone one for that matter to take a picture.  There is an awesome app out there called Photo Timer+ (I believe this is for iphones).  That is how I take all my lovely pictures :)

Let's have fun this August! 

August 31st picture will be announced later on in the month :)