Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 6 cleanse..

Day 5 review

Yesterday, was the only day that I got really hungry during the cleanse.  I honestly believe it was because I was active most of the day cleaning and shampooing my carpet upstairs.  I also was really emotional yesterday...I cried at church and I had this feeling of being all alone.  I hate feeling alone and sad because I am very cheerful upbeat kind of girl.  To beat that feeling I took a nap during the day and headed to bed super early.

It's not unusual during the reset to find yourself experiencing feeling, memories or sensation from the past or earlier periods of your life.  Somehow, clearing the blockage from within your body has a way of freeing up your emotions too.

It looks like I am starting to deal with some serious issues from the past.  I find myself feeling as if someone has broken my heart.  It is really weird because no one has broken my heart in over two years.  Hopefully, this phase doesn't last very long.

Day 6

Vivid dreams happen to a lot of people who are taking the reset challenge.  Beachbody says that your subconscious may simmer out solutions while you sleep and that past events might come back alive.  I had a terrible dream....

I woke up in a really sad mood today.  I had some really vivid dreams.... Louie got hit by a car in the dream.  I had to carry his torn up body to the vet across the street.  They told me they were not sure if he would make it.  Then the vet's office caught on fire.  I ran over to help get Louie out of harms way.

He was really weak but wagged his little tail to let me he was happy to see me.  I told the vet I was going to bring him home till they knew where they would take the sick animals.  They ended up bringing the animals to a big gym at one of my schools I work out.  I took Louie to the make shift hospital.  They were able to pump him with meds there.  Thankfully, I was allowed to sit with him.  I saw dog's around me die :(

I am not sure if Louie made it in this dream because the real Louie woke me up with wet doggie kisses.  What does this dream mean? I don't know but it makes me think of my childhood dog Midnight who was hit by a car when I was very young.  Breaks my heart to have a dream like this.  Looks like Louie will be getting extra spoiled today!

Food Day 6
Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of berries, 1/2 Greek Yogurt
Lunch: 1 severing Zucchini-Cashew Soup, Microgreen salad, 1/4 slice avocado.
Dinner: 1 serving Baked Tempeh, 1 serving any steamed vegetables and 1 serving of Brown Rice.

Little nervous about Tempeh but I have decided to give it a try.  I know if I keep skipping out on some of these meals I will not learn anything from this process.

Weight: I am down a total of 7 pounds! Before the reset I was really puffy with all the carbs I was eating for the race.  The puff is not down and my stomach is looking super flat! This has to be one of my favorite parts of the reset so far! I missed my stomach and I can't wait to get some ab work in to get my abs back!

Sleep: Besides the dreams I continue to have 10 hours of sleep each night.  Makes me feel refreshed when I wake up.  I wish I could sleep 10 hours every night.  This might be something that I try to continue after the reset. 

Overall feeling: I am really loving this even when I felt so upset and sad yesterday.  I fully understand that my body needs to deal with somethings that I been holding onto.  Maybe if I allow some of the pain from the past leave my body I might be able to move forward in my life. 
I am loving the food! I feel satisfied after all my meals.  I am proud of myself for trying new foods that I normally would look away from.

Going the Extra Mile:  Beachbody suggest a few things you can do to enhance your reset experience.  I plan on doing a few of them today since I have the day off work.

1.  Spend time in nature.  Today, I plan on walking Louie for 40 minutes at the local state park.  He loves the dog path there and he deserves it after the dream I had last night.
2. Take a warm bath, adding 1 1/2 to 2 cups of Epsom salts.  I love taking baths and the last bath I took was an ice bath.  To actually take a warm bath would feel like a little piece of heaven.

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