Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dream Crushers...

What is your dream? Will you achieve this dream in your lifetime? I am more than certain you desire it and you hope to achieve it…but will you actually do what it takes to get there?  This is the question I continue to ask myself every single day… is my dreams worth the obstacles and frustration?? The answer is absolutely YES!

“Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them.” –Josie Bisset

Wow! What a powerful statement! Think about it! Is this true with the dreams that you continue to think about? Do you think they are too big to accomplish?

So what happens to those people who have lost complete slight of their dreams or they never truly connect with a dream.  I sort of feel like this is where I currently am :( I know I have big dreams but I don’t know right now what they exactly are or where they take place.  It is very confusing to want something so badly but have NO clue what that something is.  Why does this happen??? How can I really work towards my big dream is if I can’t see it or “Dream it”. 

This is what I been discovering…..My dreams have literally been knocked out of my head since the day I was born.  How can that be when I have supportive parents and a super awesome family? It is simple, for most of my life I been living in their reality.  My family is full of dream crushers and idea killers….sorry guys but it is true. (This doesn't mean I don't love you by talking about it.)

It breaks my heart to say it out loud but sometimes the truth hurts.  When I talk about my dreams it is normally followed with ‘sure Kathy now it's time to come back to reality and not live in la la land.” “Sure I will believe it when I see it.” “You don’t have that kind of money for that.” “Don’t you think you are to old to accomplish those things.” “Seriously you are not strong enough for that.” “It’s not possible.”  "That is a crazy idea." "You don't have to move to find your dreams." "Stop acting like a teenager." HOLY COW just saying those things brings tears to my eyes :( but those are things I continue to hear out of the people that love me the most.

My family and friends don’t want to see me get hurt or do something that I will regret.  It feels nice having someone so concerned about me that they would do everything in the world to protect me.  But crushing my dreams is like crushing my soul and it is defiantly not protecting me...it only hurts me.  

I have started to realize that I have had a lot of my dreams crushed but the older I get the more possible those dreams seem and the more my dreams start to come alive! 

Dream Crushed but I accomplished:
1. Teachers told me I would never amount to anything and that I would never make it in college... 
Huh! I been to 4 different colleges and have a list of qualifications :) Seems very odd to me that I made it.  
2. You will never run a marathon..
Thank you very much I have ran 3 and will continue to prove you fools wrong! 
3. You can't be responsible for a dog that big...
Louie and I are perfectly happy... he is not dead yet. 
4. This one is a new one..  Ironman? Keep dreaming sister. 
I will thanks...and you will be the first one I call when I accomplish this goal!!! 
5. Reality is sticking with a job that you have now because you make good money and you are settled..
Um.. true but it is not my reality.  Why keep living a lie?? When I was born to do something different something more amazing? 

I could continue on with the list but I don’t want to bore you.  The point is this I am now listening to my heart and paying attention to the things I dream most about.  I am done listening to people who want to crush my ideas.  My ideas might be crazy but they're my dreams NOT theirs; so they don’t get to decide if it's worth following or fighting for…that is MY JOB.

If you have a dream…follow it! Don’t listen to the people who think your ideas are crazy because as far as I am concerned it is never crazy to follow your heart.  Everything in this world is possible if you work for it.  It may take time for you to even realize what your dreams are or how to even follow them........Just listen and be awake to the idea that the universe is leading you in the right direction!

PLEASE NEVER crush someone else’s dreams because you could be that one person that gives them the courage to really go for it! :) 



  1. Amen! So many of us are told by well-meaning folks who want to keep us safe that certain dreams will never happen. The unfortunate outcome is that we grow up programmed to think that we don't deserve those incredible things. As someone who also struggles with this- thanks for shining a spotlight on a topic that affects so many of us!

  2. This has been a huge struggle for me but the older I get the more I realize this is my life! I want to make my parents happy but I know they will be happy if I am happy :) Chase those dreams!!!!
