Saturday, January 5, 2013

Building a Healthy Relationship with Food...

Do you have a healthy relationship with food or a relationship that makes you feel quality?  I been trying for years to have a healthier relationship with food but IT IS SO HARD! I can control my choices in my own home but when I step one foot out of my house my healthy relationship with food turns into an ugly one.

Food addict? Maybe.  I think having an addiction to food is probably the hardest thing to admit and definitely the hardest addiction to beat.  Think about it! If you are addicted to alcohol, gambling, drugs...etc you can remove yourself from the addiction by not partaking in it or participating in that activity.  You can't do that with food.  You have the addiction in front of you every single day....tempting you to over indulge once again. 

So how does one overcome this addiction? You HAVE to start to build a healthier relationship with food.  Our relationship with food is very important. We either ‘live to eat’ or ‘eat to live’ and within those two statements there are infinite ways to make music that will either heal us or send us to an early grave losing limbs along the way.

Why on earth would we eat something that gives us joy for one split second and then makes us feel miserable because we ate it hours later. This regardless of who enticed us to eat it. It sounds like a form of addiction and deservedly so.

I have decided to take my control of my food addiction! I eat to live now...of course there are moments when I fall hard into a mountain of french fries or a giant bowl of ice cream.  I don't have regret after those moments anymore because I have complete control to move forward.

I am excited to start a new food journey.  I will be taking part of the Ultimate Reset when I return back from my Goofy race.  I will be testing my taste buds sort of speak.  In these three weeks I will be eating foods that I normally shove away.  I don't even know what a beet, pine nutes or tempeh taste like....I haven't heard of or even seen some of the items that I have to buy at the grocery....BUT I know this reset will be good for someone who is continuing to build a stronger relationship with food. 

I will be blogging my journey along the way!

Are you a food addict or need to build a better relationship with food? Maybe the Ultimate Reset is just for you!

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