Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Final Week is here...7 more days of RESET

Finally, the last phase 3 Restore has arrived! I have to say I have had a love hate relationship with this cleanse.  I have loved the challenge but if I see another cucumber or have to take another packet of Alkalinize (supplement) I may throw up! (not really) I seriously am learning a lot about my nutrition, sleep patterns and how my body actually does actually need rest. 

Phase 3 Restore...
As I Restore, I will eliminate grains and legumes to focus on simple, cleansing fruit and vegetables-based diet.  There's an optional grain included with each dinner for those who wish to continue to have grains throughout this phase (umm ME!) Wen meals contain only vegetables, the portions can be larger.  Every breaks will consist of fresh fruit, but is limited to 3 servings a day to avoid to much sugar.

What's on the Meal...
1. Bake Sweet Pototo for lunch every day, with veggies!!  This is by choice each lunch is different on the Beachbody menu but I have decided to go with what I love and go easy!
2. Fruit for breakfast! Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Oranges, Apples, pears and pineapple!! YUMMY favorite meal of the day!!!
3. Avocado-Cucumber Soup, Roasted Veggies
4. Rice, Beans, Corn taco's...  This is not on week 3 menu but I love this meal and it really helps keep me on track.
5.  Shakeology....I plan on having a Shakeology for either lunch or breakfast with a plate full of veggies. 

What else am I doing...
I have decided to add in some light workouts this week.  I haven't done the recommended Yoga or 40 minutes of walking yet....So this week I plan on doing both every day! Why? Once this reset is over I want to start working out starting to move this week will help me next week!!! Plus, Louie deserves a long walk!

How am I feeling...
WONDERFUL! Yesterday, I was so happy and felt like everything around me was super clear....I sometimes I feel foggy but I felt yesterday as if the fog has been lifted.  I have more energy than I know what to do with!!  I am super rested...I hate to say it but my body did in fact need a full 21 days to do NOTHING!! Feels great to know that my muscles and my mind is finally recharged!

I am officially down 12 pounds! Three people yesterday told me I looked really healthy and skinny! Woot!

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