Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happiness Project January Recap & February Goals

Where in the world did January go? Seriously, it feels like yesterday I was on Christmas Break.  January was such an exciting month for me! I ran Goofy, started the Beachbody reset and didn't work out for a solid 17 days!  My goal for January was to recharge my body, mind and spirit... I am happy to say that I accomplished that goal.

January goals..
1. Beachbody reset-I am 3 days away from completing this cleanse.  So glad I did it :) Feel amazing both inside and out! I have lost 15 pounds ... BOOM!!!

2.  Reduce clutter-This is an on going task.  I did clean out my room, some kitchen stuff but did not tackle the basement storage room.  Will continue it once my roommate moves out... Today I am going to tackle my bedroom at my parents house.  I will probably throw everything out!

3. Praying-I have been praying more but did not complete this goal as planned.  I wanted to pray before each meal.  So this is another thing I MUST work on. I did make it to church every single week (minus Disney weekend)...I love going to Church! There I am able to just sit and think...I rarely listen. lol

4. Meditate-I have taken time each day to clear my mind.  I loved doing this in the morning and right before bed.

5. Read 20 minutes-FAILED.  I didn't read at all this month.  With the Reset I was just to tired to read before bed. When I got in bed I normally passed out.  The good thing is I never turned on the TV in my room during this month!

6. Write in my journal-I did do this a few times but I would say I failed again on this one.  Blah!

Source: via Susanne on Pinterest

I use to LOVE art! It was my passion and the one thing I needed to feel whole.  I even when to college to be an Art teacher.  However, that part of my life died when my professor told me I should change my career because Art wasn't for me.  It literally killed me...which is why I still have a hard time picking up any kind of art media.  That is why I am adding it in this month! I want to focus on the passion that is still inside me but has been buried for years.

February Goals..
1. Work on an Art project.  My goal is to complete 4 projects... so one project a week. 
2. Learn how to take AWESOME pictures with my camera.
3. Go to the art museum in town.
4. Get my friends together for another Wine and Canvas...So much fun!

Still going to work on goals from January...
1. Pray more
2. Reduce Clutter

This is also my birthday Month... I hate birthday's but this year I plan on loving every single minute of it.  I should celebrate my life with a smile...

Let the Happiness Project continue :) 

1 comment:

  1. You did great on your goals! And you gave yourself some awesome goals for Feb! Birthdays are awesome! It's all about celebrating you and you are def worth celebrating!
