Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ultimate Reset complete

I did it!! I finished the Beachbody Ultimate Reset...It was NOT EASY.  There were many days I wanted to quit, scream and not get out of bed.  Each day I learned something new about myself and about my love for certain foods.  I focus so much on the end result that I fail to enjoy the ride to that finish line.  This journey made me see that slowing down and taking it all in is VERY important.

Would I do the Reset again? Yes! In fact I would like to do it again in May before I start my Marathon training.  Why? It was nice to listen to my body and really focus on me for once.  I didn't just learn about food.. I learned a lot about the things I hold inside myself.  This journey was so emotional for me.  There were days I would cry almost every hour.. this was my body releasing some pain and anger from the pass (I think).  It was needed! It is amazing how the fog was lifted over 21 days.. I feel so free now!

The real world freaks me out a little! I felt so safe in my little box and food plan that I followed for 21 days.  I stayed away from many people because I was so worried of being pressured....I learned quickly that NO one really cares what I am doing.  The only person that cares about my journey is really me.  Seriously!?! No one cares if I can finish a detox, a marathon or yoga class....OR do they? I think people do care about what I do.. Otherwise how am I able to inspire others or why do people come to me for help?  So the people who don't care or the people who pressure me in my life shouldn't be there in the first place.  Lesson learned!!

What now?
I will slowly introduce foods back into my diet.  Why do it slowly? I need to listen to the cues my body is sending out... if my body is feeling sick after a piece of bread then I know that bread shouldn't continue to be in my diet.  Fingers crossed that my body can process most foods!!!

I plan on keeping a vegan diet 4-5 days a week.  I will be eating eggs every morning to help with protein intake!  I have decided that I will not be taking Dairy for a while.  I love how my body feels when I am not taking in Dairy.   I do plan on having greek yogurt and maybe cottage cheese every now and then..again this is for the protein intake.

Bring on the Workouts!!!!
Not working out for 21 days was SO hard! I plan on getting back into training big time! P90x2 and insanity are what is up!!!!!!!!! I will be training for Country Music Half Marathon and 3 rounds of Tough Mudder Michigan!!!

Very excited to see what happens ... With a clear gut and mind I think amazing things will happen!

Oh and I did lose 14 pounds! I will measure myself today to get inches! Weight wasn't important to me during this I forget that many people just want to know the results! 

1 comment:

  1. Great work girl! It sounds like this is just what you needed. I can only imagine how great it feels to get back to training again!
