Saturday, February 9, 2013

Should I workout with a cold?

I haven't felt great since Monday but like always I been pretending nothing is wrong.  I completely over did it... I did a double workout on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday while not feeling 100%.  So the question is this...Can you workout when you are sick?

Rule of Thumb
If symptoms are "above the neck" it is usually okay to exercise.  Symptoms such as running nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and minor soreness of the throat.  Consider doing a lighter workout and reduces the length.  For instance: Instead of running 6 miles, try walking 3.

DON'T exercise if symptoms are "below the neck!" If you are hacking up a lung, have an upset stomach or can't take in a full breath.. STAY HOME! If you have a fever or muscle aches you certainly shouldn't be working out!

Let your body be the guide....Listen to it.  If you feel extremely run down..TAKE A BREAK! You are putting yourself at risk if you workout when you are not well.  It is okay to take a day or two off to get yourself back to excellent health.  Having an illness is stressful on the body and so is working out.  So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that illness and a workout don't go together.

What to do?
1. Stay hydrated! Drink as much water and electrolytes drinks as you can. Try and stay away from sugary ones, but push the fluids to clear out your system. This will also help your body rid itself of sickness.
2. Sleep, sleep, sleep.
3. Take in more Vitamin C, veggies and fruits! Eat the good stuff.

It is extremely hard for me to take a day off when it is NOT in my schedule.  However, I can't stop coughing and I barely have a voice.  I trying to listen to my body this time...which is extremely hard for me to do.  I think the reset helped me listen to the signs and actually obey those signs.  So today is a unplanned rest day :( Today's plan is getting myself back to feeling 100%.  Healthy foods, rest and no workouts will hopefully do just that!

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