Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Source: Ruby on Pinterest

I understand that on a wordless Wednesday I normally don't say anything... But I have to explain this wordless Wednesday a bit.  I found out yesterday that I have an "under active" thyroid :( Which means that I have to be put on meds probably for the rest of my life. 

Hypo-Thyroidism has so many symptoms....I knew something was wrong with me since I been feeling extremely fatigue and exhausted .  Not to mention I do feel like I have been depressed lately and feel as if a fog has been placed on my brain.  I have been forgetting a lot of things but I felt it was just me being me.  Clearly.. it could have been this thyroid issue all along. 

I am excited to have some answers but I am a little upset that I have to be put on meds.  I kick my butt every single day and eat healthy all the time...I do this so I don't have to take meds like all the sick and unhealthy people out there.  However, this is something I can't eat away or run away :( It's genetics.  My Dad, Grandmother, Aunt and Sister all have thyroid issues. 

I am excited to regulate my energy levels again! If I can push hard when I am this tired then I have to push more when I am fully back! Watch out this girl is going to be unstoppable :)

1 comment:

  1. I am sure this is frustrating for you but I'm glad you have answers. I am wondering if perhaps I have the same issue as I have some of those symptoms. I'll find out tomorrow, I guess!
