Friday, December 20, 2013

Excited to announce....

If you know me you know that I am a member of PNP....Also, known as Phit-N-Phat.  (Click on Phit-N-Phat to go to the website). What is PNP? The best way I can describe it a bunch of amazing women working to better themselves inside and out.  We workout together, we laugh together, cry and mostly we speak the truth to each other.  We have raced together, vacationed together, went to fitness camps together and have bonded on levels I can't even begin to describe.

I bet you would be surprised to hear that this community is all online.  The only face time we have is when we travel to certain locations for a meet up. Luckily, I have a few PNP sisters that live in Columbus that I see often or call when I am upset.  I have friends in Texas, California, New Mexico, Nashville, Carolina..Heck, I even have a sister that lives in Canada that loves wine, cussing and lollipops!

This community has changed me for the better.  Before, PNP I was a lost girl partying and eating my weekends away.   I didn't know there was life outside of booze and late nights.  I didn't have a place I could to go to get support or ask questions about fitness. I was lost, scared and really worried about my future.

Then, PNP fell in my lap when I was babysitting Jeannie's (also a PNP member) kids.  She told me about Corinne and felt that this community would be something I might enjoy.  I joined the very next day!

My life changed that day! I got control of my drinking habits, met amazing friends and became a better friend to myself.  I traded the booze in for long runs and heavy weights. I found the Athletic Kathy again...I swear she died in college.  I became a person that I absolute love :) I became the person I wanted to be all along!!! I am proud to say I am not lost anymore and have a bright future all because of this amazing community.

I am telling you this because Corinne (Queen of PNP) announced this week that I along with two other PNP sisters are joining her team! I will be working with Corinne and the clients to help reach there finish line.  Finish lines could be 5k's, food battles, emotional issues, 1/2 marathons, tough mudder.... you get the point!

I could go on and on about PNP and why you should join but I will not bore you.  Come check it out! Go like Phit-N-Phat on facebook.  I can promise you if you're looking for support, workouts, menus or anything else you will get it with PNP.
One last thing...
Women that love to have fun, laugh, dance, drink wine, sweat, run, walk, lift heavy, cook, paint and cry would LOVE this community.  My favorite moments of my life have been with these girls.  I always go home crying like a baby after events but I leave with so much joy and love in my heart! :)

Want more info? Just ask!

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