Saturday, May 3, 2014

Things I am up too..

Three things I learned in April about myself..
1. I love photography.. or should I say finding a beautiful spot to take pictures with my iphone.
2. I LOVE yoga so much! I am seriously considering becoming a yoga instructor!
3. I needed to change my diet and my workout routine... change is always good to keep the body guessing!!!!

Top three Yoga pictures in nature over the last 2 weeks
This picture wouldn't be complete without Louie. Dancing in the rain with the Dancer Pose.

Hollow Back pose using the tree for support.  
This pose was PERFECTLY fit with the barn in the background! I love the colors :)

Food. Workout. Rest. WATER.

Those four things have been completely spot on the last 3 weeks.  I been killing the workouts, eating clean foods, drinking water (still need to workout on this more) and getting enough sleep for recovery.  The Result? Dropping 6 pounds... BOOM!

The below picture is day 3 of the 21 day fix.  Basically, I have to measure everything and keeping all food clean.  I normally eat clean but I been a little friendly with the peanut butter lately :( I haven't had peanut butter in 12 days.  #mightneedrehab

Goals for May
1. Finish this school year with a smile.
2. Workout 6 days a week. Workouts will include running, yoga, weights and other cardio workouts.
3.  Try 2 new fitness classes.  Getting bored with my routine so I am stepping out of the fitness box a little. Going to try Boxing for sure!
4. Lose another 4-5 pounds before my brothers wedding.
5. Walk a mile a day...extra to my normal workout.
6.  Keep working on the house to put on the market.


1 comment:

  1. I always love seeing all your posing pics!great job on the goals & weight loss!
