Monday, October 1, 2012

life is a roller coaster

I went on my first roller coaster ride when I was probably five years old.  I loved everything about the ride; the ups, the downs and all the crazy turns.  To me nothing was better than a roller coaster! I hated to ride the swings (they made me sick), the water rides were boring and I didn't care to ride the silly cars.  I wanted the trill; the ride of my life! I loved that I had to close my eyes most of the time and would scream like I was dying!

Little did I know that my life would be a roller coaster ride too.  No matter what direction you look at it there are many different ways to ride my life roller coaster, in fact I believe I have several different coaster rides in this life of mine.  I have had so many ups and downs, twist and turns and even sometimes my ride has comes to a complete stop.  Just like that five year old girl my ride has made me scream, cry and even sometimes smile. 

Life shouldn't be simple! It should be hard and it should feel like at times the world is against you.  I remember feeling like everyone was against me when I was near 200 pounds.  I felt like I was almost to big to enjoy the ride anymore, to big to even get on.  But then I remember life isn't fun sitting on the sidelines watching life is about screaming, laughing and sometimes being so scared you pee your pants a little.   :)

I have had my kid coaster, my high school coaster, the college coaster, the 20 something coaster and now I have my health coaster. The college coaster I was on before was SUPER fun! There were times I even got sick because of all the drinking and partying I had on it.  The 20 something coaster was complete hell. However, the health coaster is my favorite ride of them all!

The health coaster is about growing up and taking the step towards the never ending ride. I had to leave a lot of passengers behind on this new ride. Ones I felt would always ride my roller coaster (life) with me but I picked up a lot of awesome new passengers who encourage me to reach new levels of highs! 

You will find a lot of passengers on your ride that will hold you back.  Don't let them! Leave them off your ride because you honestly will never reach your potential, your true success, until you release all the bad weight.  I know this first hand! A ride shouldn't be about drama or negative comments.  It should be about the adventure, the trill and awesome feeling you get when you reach the end. 

So go ride that ride! Ride it with a smile, with tears of happiness and go ahead scream a little.  Remember this is the best ride of your life and you only get one chance to get it right!

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