Friday, January 25, 2013

Ultimate Reset...Day 10

I have to be extremely honest to all of you.  Day 8 was super hard for me.  I had an extremely intense headache, could not stop crying and had no real desire to eat.  I started to question if this cleanse was for me...after all I hate being such a cry baby and I hate not being in control of my emotions.  Not to mention I love eating so not having an appetite was really weird for me. 
Fact is I hate quitting anything that I start...I know that nobody would care if I ended this program early and honestly I probably wouldn't care a few months from now.  It is a huge mental thing for me to quit I continue on and hope that I can continue to discover things about myself.  I have learned a lot during this cleanse... more than I ever could dream of.

Things I have learned...
1.  Holding onto feeling only makes you I plan on trying to tell people my real feeling instead of hiding them or telling them what they want to hear.
2.  That trying new foods will not kill me.
3.  That the detox supplement will never taste good no matter what I do to it....but putting it in a wine glass makes me feel a little better.
4.  That I am extremely addicted to working out....if I wasn't able to get my daily workouts in I probably would end up in a looney bin or kill someone.  Thankfully...I can walk and do Yoga during this cleanse so it is helping a little.
5.  I don't mind salads.
6.  To eat slow....I normally eat extremely fast as I am always on the go.  This cleanse has taught me to take my time and really enough the food I am eating.
7.  I really miss peanut butter :)
8.  That you can make anything into a soup if you have a blender.
9.  Getting 8-10 hours of sleep helps me perform my job better and gives me a ton of energy during the day.
10.  This cleanse is teaching me that I can be super hard on myself.  I need to learn that it is okay to fail.

How I am feeling...
Today, I am in a extremely good mood! I feel joyful and have a sense that today will be AWESOME.  I am well rested, not hungry and excited to see how the rest of the 11 days will go.  I have no real craving but I do miss my wine, peanut butter, pancakes and chocolate.  I don't miss meat at all and I have no real desire to have cheese.  I am honestly thinking about keeping dairy or at least cheese out of my diet until after Easter.  I will only allow myself to have some cheese if I have pizza...I love pizza!

I am so excited to say I have lost 9 pounds in 10 days! I didn't do this to drop weight at this is like a bonus for me! I am one pound away from my lowest weight in 9 years! So If I can drop 2-3 more pounds I will be on top of the world! I also have dropped this is not just water weight anymore...this is the REAL deal.

The only thing I hate about this journey are taking the supplements 30 minutes before I eat anything.  I have to do this before all meals and even snacks.  It is hard because when I want to eat I have to wait...but this is also allowing me to get in check if I am really hungry or if it is an emotional thing.  I am excited for all this to be over!!!! NO MORE SUPPLEMENTS

What do you think you could learn on a cleanse?

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