Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Workouts for the week: Last week Feb

This week started off a little slow for me but now I am back to my routine and ready to kill my workouts! A lot of you ask me what kind of workouts I complete each day.  So I figured why not just blog about it! I lead a busy life just like all of you but I never allow myself to skip workouts.  I find the time....

Monday: Day Off-This was unplanned but my body was screaming for a day off. 
IMPORTANT.... If you need rest take it!

Tuesday: 4 miler speed work and hill work.. TOUGH WORKOUT! Then came home from the gym to do Chalean Extreme Lean #2.  LIFT HEAVY :)

Wednesday: Insanity Pure Cardio and Asylum Stretch.  5 miler after work..keep pace at 9:30.

Thursday: Leg workout at the gym and a five miler. 

Friday: Insanity, Yoga and Ab work

Saturday: Lean #3, Insanity and Yoga

Sunday: 7 miler, Yoga

Seems like a lot right? I can get my workouts done in less than 1 hour and 30 minutes.  I don't mess around or talk while at the gym.  I am there to work and keep my heart rate up! I have Lacrosse practice twice this week and am finishing up some projects around the house.  I try to be in bed by 9 (last few nights I was asleep by 8) so I can be up at 4:30.

Have a plan for success! What does your plan look like?

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