Sunday, December 15, 2013


Bulk Week

You maybe asking yourself what the heck is bulk week? For me bulk week is the biggest training week for my big event (the race).  Bulk week is a good indicator if my training was successful or not.  I basically have 13-15 more runs before the Dopey Challenge. For someone that runs marathons bulk week kind of is like a dress rehearsal. 

This would be a good week to wear my race day gear and eat all the foods I plan to eat in Disney.  Easy right?  My dress rehearsal will have to remain only with food because I am NOT going run around town or the gym dressed up as Jessi from Toy Story.  I don't need the crazy looks!

Monday: 3 miles, Yoga and Weights
Tuesday: Weights, Yoga
Wednesday: 3 miles, Stretching
Thursday: 6 miles, Stretching
Friday:10 miles
Saturday: 20 miles
Sunday: REST DAY 

Total: 42 LONG miles :) 

I am excited, nervous and anxious to get my week started.  I know I will kill it but I am worried how awesome I will feel on Sunday. Let's just home I can still walk at the end of the week.

What is your workout schedule for the week?

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